An insightful tale of personal growth, infused with fantasy and wander, written by Fabiola Falcone.

What if you woke up one day to the life of your dreams only to be confronted by life’s biggest questions, challenges, and the realisation that your reality may not be as it seems?
An insightful tale of personal growth, infused with fantasy and wander, Reflected Dreams provides guidance and wisdom towards the inner journey one must embark on to discover true happiness and freedom inside out.
Fabiola Falcone leads us on a magical adventure into the mystics of our minds, the wisdom of our souls, and the reality of our heart’s: Our desires, our dreams, and our truth.
On an out worldly adventure from humble Milan to the dream-diminshing land of Hopeless, and beyond, follow the life-pivoting journey of Kim, a woman of grit and determination with a burning desire to shape shift her reality, escape mediocrity, and hunt down an abundant life of royalty.
Conquering gruelling hills of fear, frustration, uncertainty, and doubt, she’s left with no choice but to turn within.
When she manifests her wildest dreams, she’s forced to face life’s biggest crossroads of identity-defining decisions and awakening realisations.
Leaving us reflecting upon the reality of the world, it’s systems, our truth and our dreams, Falcone inspires us with Kim’s inner and spiritual journey, mentally and emotionally preparing us for the unfolding of our own self-discovery journey, and the inevitable hurdle we’re all set to face: Ourselves.